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Needs proper instructions, took me too many tries to figure anything out.

windows flagged this, how should i know this is safe to download

It's likely a false positive. Happens all the time with games.


yea i downloaded it its saf

There is also malware uploaded all the time. Please do not give such advice.

...okay? This was solved weeks ago, though.

How was this solved? I am serious. The developer asked for feedback and there is not a single visible interaction from the developer since.  Random people claiming it is saf, or that many games have false positives, is not a solved situation.

If you do not have a very, very good reason to believe it is a false positive, you should never ignore such warnings. Not on itch. There is malware uploaded daily here. 

Why are you even bothering me on a comment I made 22 days ago? Geez, it's like you're SEARCHING for these!